I am so grateful to God for all the opportunities and inspiration He has given me. I am looking at my calendar and there is a great big sticker on March 2nd because that was the official beginning of seriously
working on my sewing and designing business. Since then I have finished clutches, flax warming pillows, upcycled denim purses and a dress. So, here I am, putting together a blog while my precious niece, Annie, is working on my new ETSY store.
It hasn't even been a whole month and there have been those times when a needle breaks, the machine loses timing, I don't have the proper tools or haha....I didn't cut the pattern correctly. I just have to say, it is really a pain in the rear end to work with denim. I can truly appreciate upcycled denim items.....well, even fresh denim....it's just aggravating sometimes. When I price my denim, I choose a price I would pay. However, my
brain says, "Oh my goodness, Rhonda! You put so much time and energy into that purse...and you're only asking $15! That's like $5 hour!" But do you know what? It's all good. I can chalk it up to experience working with denim. I remembered tips and tricks from the past. I learned tips and tricks that were new.
I'm grateful. I'm plugging away at my business day by day.
God is good.
